How do I best contact you?
My preferred mode of communication for academic matters is asynchronous — specifically email. Use the contact form on this website to contact me since my email is embedded within it. You are more likely to get quick feedback from me than trying to reach me by phone.
Can I invite you for an academic talk (seminars, workshops, conferences) or TV and Radio talks?
Yes. Do not hesitate to contact me two weeks to a month before the arranged talk. Ensure that you provide details while inquiring about my availability. The talk invitations should be on themes that revolve around my research areas.
Can I collaborate with you??
Immersed in a world of boundless curiosity, my passion lies in collaborating with the academic adventurers of tomorrow. Should you seek to collaborate with me, I implore you not to hesitate to reach out. However, before embarking on this collaborative journey, I encourage you to explore my research interests and ongoing projects thoroughly. When you identify any exciting avenue for collaboration, write to me with research or project areas that ignite your soul rather than a solitary inquiry of “Can I collaborate with you??” For it is in these shared aspirations that our partnership shall flourish.